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DVS (pronounced "devious") is an adults-only yearly online furry convention with a silly, supervillain bent.

Each year we gather artists, entertainers, writers, streamers, and all kinds of other colorful community members to raise money for charity. To date, DVS has raised over $58k CAD!

Learn more about the convention's history, the charity, and more over in our FAQ (Coming soon!).

Important Dates

Application Date Open Date Close
Conbook Submissions March 05th, 12:00 am PT, 2024 April 22nd, 11:59 pm PT, 2024
2nd Round Volunteer Applications March 12st, 12:00 am PT, 2024 April 09th, 11:59 pm PT, 2024
Dealer Applications April 19th, 12:00 am PT, 2024 June 7th, 11:59 pm PT, 2024
Panelist Applications April 19th, 12:00 am PT, 2024 June 21st, 11:59 pm PT, 2024
Auction Submissions June 1st, 12:00 am PT, 2024 June 30th, 11:59 pm PT, 2024